Hello! Please be quick with your biography. I´m so noisy!
www-proxy.austria.eu.net Local Time: Friday the 23rd, 11:24:00 AM.
Hy! Do you want to be my Internet friend? We can write us letters. Where do you come from? I come from Austria. My Adress:http//gasew.der:las
www-proxy.austria.eu.net Local Time: Friday the 23rd, 11:28:23 AM.
I'd love to be your Internet friend, but your address
is not valid. By the way, I'm from Virginia in the
United States.
tickcollege.dorm.virginia.edu Local Time: Saturday the 24th, 1:44:21 AM.
Hey...Ronald...finally saw your wall! Nifty.
bootp-38-97.bootp.virginia.edu Local Time: Monday the 26th, 2:41:12 PM.
bootp-209-36.bootp.virginia.edu Local Time: Wednesday the 28th, 4:18:42 PM.
darwin.clas.virginia.edu Local Time: Thursday the 29th, 3:42:18 PM.
Hi Ronald; cute page, cute graphics, cute photos too...
-Pat (Tokyo, Japan)
polaris.cincomj.co.jp Local Time: Saturday the 2nd, 3:16:53 AM.
rock and roll
-el jefe
dial1-13.cybercom.net Local Time: Saturday the 2nd, 10:25:33 AM.
The time is out of joint, 'o cursed spite,
That ever I was born to set it ... Wright. -William Shakespeare,
-Richard Wright
bootp-219-7.bootp.virginia.edu Local Time: Monday the 4th, 5:23:36 PM.
Surf Nazis Must Die!!!!!
bootp-188-232.bootp.virginia.edu Local Time: Tuesday the 5th, 1:14:31 AM.
Where's the can of spray paint. I want to make this permanent.
bootp-12-186.bootp.virginia.edu Local Time: Thursday the 7th, 5:32:24 PM.
Ronald, get a hair cut. It will get you women.
-Amena. Evil Grin
bootp-188-254.bootp.virginia.edu Local Time: Thursday the 7th, 8:05:45 PM.
I already got one about a week ago, SILLY!
I think you need to shave. It will get you men.
darwin.clas.virginia.edu Local Time: Friday the 8th, 12:14:48 PM.
I'm Another Brick in the wall! Hey teacher, leave us kids alone... :)
-Imran Niazi
imran.mnsinc.com Local Time: Saturday the 9th, 12:37:37 AM.
great site
bootp-209-142.bootp.virginia.edu Local Time: Wednesday the 13th, 9:28:07 AM.
-Rob Eng
bootp-47-53.bootp.virginia.edu Local Time: Monday the 18th, 11:43:52 PM.