The Return of the Cardinal
Christopher W. Thomas (
Mon, April 21, 1997 at 10:21AM

I saw him! ... there he was, sitting on a branch

And as I passed, I looked up and saw him munch
On breakfast he had pulled off a quite dry twig
Which rested very lightly on the bough as he did
And then gently fell into a bush from the tree
Which, of course, made him jump, so he did flee

But not too far, just up to the next branch level
And then he looked down at me, and then did thrill
As he started his warbling, and sent shivers up me
And I wondered if he was the same one who does please
By coming back year after year over the past twenty
And remember how I've fed him and always given plenty

Of breadcrumbs, cereal bits, and many other scraps
For I liked his presence so, for he always had that
Aura of mystery which so endured, and gave me pride
So much so, I look forward every spring to his tide
Of good will he brings by just appearing in the yard
And I feel a magical warmth which fills me with part

Love of being, love of self, and part love of nature
For as we go on, living life from day to day, & mature
We become so much better equipped to appreciate all
The good there is in the world we've come to know called
LOVE of LIFE, and as we continue on in this vein sharing
It is inevitable there will come to be quite a pairing

A little red bird just whispered this to me this morning
And now I know there is beauty yet to be seen - dawning
Upon the mind of this envisioner, as he shares with it
That special glance which living beings know in bits
Which occasionally break off in pieces one to the other
And the all-knowing glance we can produce now hovers ...

- Tristram