The Story of The New Wall (3rd time's a charm)
Christopher W. Thomas (
Tues Oct 14, 1997 at 12:00PM

The Story of The New Wall ....

Back in 1996, Ronald Trang began this project
with a little bit of web space and a lot of brilliant
ideas. A perusal of the many pages of games,
graphics and works contained within this site
will attest to this. It is a masterly job of
inventiveness, and a clear stroke of genius.
All who visit here will find this so.

When I first visited - on March 3rd, 1997 ...
I was dumbfounded! The sheer genius
behind all of it showed in everything
Ronald had touched. ... Being a poet -
I was particularly interested in both
Ronald's poetic work and everything
which had been posted on "The Wall" -
now known as Old Walls Number 1 thru 7.

I became a constant visitor
in the following months,
and - eventually - posted close to
300 works of my own
- first - just sayings of mine,
and a scattering of free-form
verse on Old Wall Number 6, and then 7.

On March 16th, seeing my constant
visits and additions -
Ronald chose to initiate The New Wall -
which was designed to set the scene
for the more serious work myself (and others)
chose to post - instead of the graffiti
which The Old Wall seemed to attract.

During the following months -
The New Wall attracted
many visitors, and eventually
caused posting problems.
The original server was
overwhelmed with the space
demands needed to keep it going,
and it soon became
apparent both myself, and - eventually,
Ronald too - were no longer welcome.

In the month of July, therefore -
I initiated my own site -
The Tristram Home Page,
and proceeded to write
my work there.

I also posted about a dozen of my works
as audio clips, as well as text. Unfortunately,
these "broke the bank" as-it-were, and so
it became necessary for me to
withdraw my audio renditions.

This caused me to lose interest in
maintaining my own site,
and I started to look around
for another place to post my work.

Right after I vacated this site
and started my own in mid-July
... Ronald - feeling the same pressure
I had experienced, had chosen to change
his Internet Service Provider,
and rerouted everyone
from his old site at Erols to
this new one at Naweb.

Following this, he then wrote me a very nice letter
in August - informing me of his move and asking me
to "come back to the fold" as-it-were.

I visited once or twice,
as can be seen by my posts,
but found the new workings
to be unsatisfactory,
and the climate not entirely comfortable.

Also, The Book of Writers filter took me away from the
collective pool of The New Wall's many visitors.
Although I did come back from time to time -
I was not entirely comfortable.

The filters which tended to send humorists
in one direction (to the Joke Wall)
chatters in yet another direction
(to the Chatting Wall) and writers
in yet another direction
(to the Book of Writers) divided us,
and many of us wondered
now why The New Wall even needed
to be there still ...
if we were all being routed
in different directions.

Basically, The New Wall had become
a dinosaur of the past,
and only there as a reminder
of how we all got to be -
where we are now.

Interest waned, and the constant stream
of visitors diminished - in part as many
had gone on to other things
(myself included) and because Ronald
no longer had the Cool Sites hotlink
direct access from Erols' Home Page -
which had brought most of us here
from the beginning.

Now - it is apparent the sheer genius
which went into this site
will be overlooked by many.
As you read this - please realize
this page is only part of a magnificent site
with many dimensions,
along with wonderful entertainment.

After finishing this - go and visit
the other pages contained
herein. Enjoy the brilliance,
and the creativity which went into
all you will find here.

And then bookmark it,
and come back again and again,
in order to be presented with the new thought
which will be continually posted here.

Look at the other sites within The New Wall itself,
including The Joke Wall, The Chatting Board,
The Book of Writers, AND Old Walls Number 1 thru 7
- which can be accessed from the top right-hand corner.

Go to the bottom of this page and press on
Previous Postings ...
this will bring up everything
which was posted from March 16th
to July 16th - the date upon which Ronald
transferred the site to his new server.
This page reflects only posts made since the transfer.

If you like poetry - there are some wonderful pieces
posted here - and I don't mean just mine.
Initially, the concept contained here
laid out the welcome mat to some truly inventive genius,
and they came - en masse. ... If you have the time -
read everything ... as much of it -
will open your mind.

If you came here to The New Wall just to read Tristram's work
(then please be aware much of it was a reflection of other posts -
some with good intent, and some with bad) - but all of it -
came from the heart.

Christopher W. Thomas
10:25am EST Tues 10/14/97