Subject: From: Host: Date: |
A Most Amazing Discovery!!! Arliss P. Sludge ( Thurs, July 31, 1997 at 1:25AM |
Arliss Suddenly Returns to The Wall in a BLAZE OF GLORY brought
on by her having had the SHOCK of her life three days ago when
her Modem was, without Warning or Forethought and in the midst
of a MAJOR THUNDERSTORM, HIT by the surge from a Lightening Strike!!!
TRUE!!! It would have proven to be Truly Traumatizing to her
had she not witnesed an AMAZING sight! There, Blasted into a
Parallel Dimension, she has discovered a MOST Facinating Truth!
Ronald does INDEED have an "Alter Ego" who IS Married and the father
a Notable Number of Children! She hopes to be able to return there
someday with her digital camera and take pictures. She is THRILLED
to discover there really IS Life on other Worlds....and until then,
she hopes that Rrr and the Others have at least missed her by a little
and all are glad to see her return. Thanks Everyone! Blessings!
Arliss <wink!>
P.S. Ronald, you should SEE those kids! They are just the Cutest Little Darlin's
ya ever DID see!!! Imagine......born with a FULL SET OF TEETH!!! Congratulations!!!