The Mazes We Weave
Christopher W. Thomas (
Fri, April 4, 1997 at 3:36AM

Complex structures supported by threads of straw

Which lean heavily one way or the other by laws
Enacted by pompous never-do-wells who stir pots
And then serve up their concoctions so very hot

To all comers - whether they know them or not
And give stern warnings as they fertilize rot
Where on earth does the need for this so come?
Is it written? ... Or just pressed under thumbs?

Those who do write books founded out of slander
Really do need to throw them away or grander
Perhaps they need to go back to Golden Rules
And remember life as it began before pools

Of manufactured slights absorbed them in
Great big oceans filled with all their sin
And as they fished deeper for signs of food
Finally fall in and then cry not to be sued

For slander which is thrown out and about
Will eventually cause many, many to shout
And the ones who can see the foul balls
Will eventually want in so they can tool

Up - and prepare themselves for swooping
In - on little people who do such snooping

So if you do contribute to mazes so closed
Remember there are some gates freshly hosed
And filth which is thrown at them thus marks
Not only them, but the source of these larks
