Interruption of a Shepherd
Christopher W. Thomas (
Tues, July 1, 1997 at 5:48PM

The peaceful stillness of quiet meadows

Filled with sheep, and just a few cows
Can be interrupted every now and again
As some of the wooly things do blend

In thoughts focused on love recently lost
As the soul within is stirred and tossed
And the shepherd it has recently become
Merges with cheer as sadness is numbed

By the sweetness of a wandering sheep
Which does amble across the pasture deep
Stopping here and there on grass to graze
As it pulls souls out of the dead haze

And momentum then becomes part of the maze
Which we find ourselves in as we do stray
Along paths upon which we did previously tread
As we lost ourselves in other motivations bled

From our hearts in words which resounded
Against the shells of those who hounded
And now we wonder why it is we bother so
When such fine thoughts do ebb and flow

So we now do call our dogs to herd our sheep
And wander forth into meadows where no peep
Is heard from wooly friends who warm hearts
As we avow to pull the herd together and make
a new start ...

- Tristram