The Swiftness of a Sword
Christopher W. Thomas (
Tues, July 1, 1997 at 3:23AM

Words which are planted amongst tides of unrest

Are sometimes delivered in some ways undressed
For they do not take into account other factors
Such as avid support from directors and actors

Who together make up the drama of entire plays
Which are performed for an audience which stays
For they are tickled by the humor and thoughts
Which are thrown at them - after they've bought

Tickets to go and see these plays and like films
Which depict extreme emotions in other realms
Whilst others do look for other entertainment
Much of which is free for their attainment

And so they do seek out some quiet corners
Of interesting web sites which do harness
The vitality exhibited by places like this
Where the swiftness of a sword does not go
unmissed ...

- Tristram