A Little Pekingese
Christopher W. Thomas (
Mon, June 30, 1997 at 8:36AM

Over the hill we did this morning come

Marching forward avidly and quite numb
To the event which was about to happen
A squabble which unnerved so, we're done

All of a sudden, out of one house at top
Came a little white dog, who did stop
Us in our tracks and keep us from more
As it surrounded us, and then did bore

Into my dog - who is three times its size
And as it did so, I thought I would die
Grabbing mine quite as quickly as I could
Realizing she was even more scared, good

And so I held her tight in my arms to chest
As the bond we had became even stronger blessed
With the new knowledge we would ever protect
Each other from the slings & arrows which affect

So many of us as we trudge along thru our life
Dealing with the daily torrent of so much strife
Which other little beasts do take it upon themselves
To foist onto us for they have no better way to sell

What it is THEY are ... than to quite run amuck
On the streets near where we live as they truck
Their perverted views and attack us mercilessly
Dealing out their blows without shame heartily

Kind of like this little white dog on the hill
Who had nothing better to do than attack mine still
Just because we were there and no better reason
And now I pain so for those ALL who are so mean

And so oblivious to the pain and hurt they inflict
As they go about attacking others with their sticks
And thus go about their lives in vacuums which miss
Taking in the joy of life which all around us exists

- Tristram