"Facing REALITYand Facing the Future"
You Know..... (
Wed, June 25, 1997 at 5:28PM


Please drop the veiled poetry pertaining to your
anger with me. You and I NEVER MET. We talked on the
computer. We chatted on the telephone. That was almost two
years ago and it ENDED. We were NEVER at any time, in your
word "betrothed". I was never going to come live with you.
I must believe that you have enough of a handle on REALITY
to know that somewhere inside of you. I communicated with
you recently on ICQ and in e-mail because I thought that
perhaps you and I could be cordial, but I was wrong. Your
recriminations were frequent and furious. Even a casual chat
ultimately resulted in a tirade from you about "betrayal".
No Christopher. I did NOT "betray" you. It was NOT possible
for me to "betray" you. There was nothing between us TO
"betray". You have got to realize that. Nothing at all.
I fell in love with a wonderful, sweet, kind and loving man
who lived right in my own "real" world. And I am with him to
this very day. I believe you must have managed to make yourself
believe that I was not any longer because I didn't talk much
about him. However, I am, I have always been, and I WILL always BE.
Accept that Christopher. You can be VERY vindictive. You
have shown that already and I acknowledge it. But it is time
to stop now. It is time to turn your attentions elsewhere. You
have had numerous nre "ladies of the Net" (I am making an
attempt at levity with that, NOT criticism) come to visit you
after amking contact initially with you on the computer. I would
encourage you to continue looking for "Ms. Right" in whatever
way you feel that you need to. But it truly IS time indeed PAST
TIME for you to stop thinking about, brooding about, and
yes, even obsessing about ME. Get on with your life, allow your
poetry to take on a NEW emphasis, and center you "world" in
another direction. This is not 1995, it is not 1996. It IS 1997
and you can not live in what you believe was genuine "history".
No. You most assuredly can not. Be good to yourself. Move On.
And Do It Now.
I truly am sorry that I was made to feel by you that I had do
"say" these things to you in such a "public" forum. Truly.
I hope that you will find a way to manage your desire for
"revenge" in a lesser manner. You have not done so before, but
I truly DO believe that you CAN. But Christopher......Will you? 49 years of age, be mature enough to. You owe that
to yourself. Indeed you do.
I wish you only well.
No Name
(That YOU know, will do.)