Skin Against Skin
Christopher W. Thomas (
Fri, June 20, 1997 at 3:47PM

There is a wonderful thing in life called sex

It is part of everything and yet quite complex
As it drives us to be part of another being
And once it's achieved, there is no fleeing

For the immersion of mind, soul and spirit
With our hearts and bodies given over to it
Frees us in ways which cannot be fathomed
For definition escapes us as all our atoms

Are focused on one extremely simple urge
Which in itself is not difficult to purge
But along with this commitment comes more
A cohesion of minds and bodies which soar

Into other realms which can be uplifting
And at other times, hard to be sifting
Through dark veils which sometimes cover
The beauty of the act to which we've just
been given over ...

- Tristram