Coincidences of the Heart
Christopher W. Thomas (
Sun, June 15, 1997 at 8:40AM

When we see things which are open and free

We sometimes do interpret them all to be
Things which are aimed ... directly at us
Because they are there, & so of course must

Have been intended to be left for us to see
When, in fact, this might not be the case tree
There could be valid reasoning behind thoughts
Which have crept up on us, and thus we sought

Inwardly to our very souls, mind and heart
For words of hurt have pierced them hard
So we lash out with our own bag of tricks
And pull out all the stops so we can lick

The perceived aggressor who has so tripped
Us, along with those who side with like lip
And so we do propagate even further erosion
By lighting fires, causing greater explosion

And thus do feel somehow we've been vindicated
For now we can be on top of things with stated
Ideas based on our own contrived assumptions
Which we gladly hand out with so much gumption

Have we thus won anything with our aggression?
Or have we just advanced an apparent lesson?
... Which is only ours to see in makeup exams
For this is the only way we'll be able to say
we understand ...

- Tristram