Words Which Speak Volumes [CLXV]
Christopher W. Thomas (
Sat, June 7, 1997 at 12:37PM

Many of us who write do play with words

For in some small way, thus we're heard
In some way other than by talking aloud
Which can get in the way of being proud

For some real conversations do get trapped
In interpretations which are not always that
Inflexions in voices do make up for some tho
But they can also get in the way of truth so

For vocalization of different thoughts does
Lend itself to a quite different kind of buzz
Than writing them out - which is often planned
Out in advance, and thus doesn't get as jammed

Up with different minds inputting on other levels
Thought which can interefere and thus may meddle
With good flow and continuously reworked themes
Which can be so well tuned - it almost beams ...

So if you want to give your mind a good work-out
READ ... and see - if this doesn't indeed shout
Volumes to you from just reading all the words
From start to finish - so then you'll be better
heard ....

- Tristram