Short Justice
Christopher W. Thomas (
Fri, March 28, 1997 at 3:34AM

Justice comes from many corners

Sometimes it comes with soreness
At times it is provided by judges
But at others it's done with fudges
Made by juries who have considered
Many points handed them so withered

But at other times it is handed out
By simple people who rant and shout
Who've not carefully thought positions
About where they stand on partitions
They have made to support themselves
When they pulled a name from a shelf

To these souls I give my respect
Only when they stay well intact
At realizing they're on shaky ground
As others also do who're all around -
Instead of making things so much worse
By insulting hosts who are so versed

In matters of great import to them
Even though these may not well blend
But a host is after all - providing
Space for others to come out of hiding
If you choose to do this and so mix
You will be so much better equipped

To start to learn how to interact
Instead of lashing out without tact
For those who insult and thus hurt
Are really hurting themselves first

- Tristram