Christopher W. Thomas (
Wed, June 4, 1997 at 12:30PM

When you can gradually nurture a single small flower

And make it become prettier and larger by the hour
Then you have a prize which will be seen by many
As worth whatever you choose to spend on it - any

Amount will be returned back to you in spades
For you did look ahead and thus saw what made
You get turned on to this flower in the first
It was worthy of your interest and your purse

For its petals bore such lush and vivid colors
And the scent of its blooms eased your pallor
To the extent you were immersed in wondrous light
As the richness it gave you provided quite bright

Feelings deep within your very heart and soul
And as you continued, you felt not quite so old
For beauty begat youth, and thus fatigue disappeared
And the person you used to be was ground under gears

Which you used to enmesh with in great rushes of vitality
As you loved your involvement in so cultivating the tree
From which this beautiful flower grew as it came to be
Representative of such a good and vital potion to thee.

- Tristram