Christopher W. Thomas (
Wed, June 4, 1997 at 11:0AM

A solitary life leads to it

And some are happy with a bit
But others are driven into this
When another goes away & is missed

When it happens, you need strength
Which is by way of support at length
Where does one find this completion?
Is it there hiding under other meetings?

Or will it never come to be when you seek
For others will see this, and be bleak
If this be so, then you need to speak
To one you know who cares, and is meek

And will not batter you with affronts
Who senses fragility and thus doesn't
Accuse and send you backwards reeling
So far, you'd have to be scraped off
the ceiling

One who accepts, and butters your pride
Knowing well you really hurt deeply inside
And thus will stand by you no matter what
For they care and so will not let you rot.

- Tristram