Appropriately Amorous
Christopher W. Thomas (
Fri, May 30, 1997 at 7:50AM

There are times when appropriateness takes a back seat

To needs, wants and desires which tend to advance leaps
Into other areas which do not give way to allowable use
But open doors into scenarios which come from hearts loose

And bespeak longing and yearning and innate need for passion
So much so, there is nothing one can do observant of fashion
And one tends to involve oneself in feelings of other sorts
Which come from deep within, leaving nothing which is caught

Up in matters of propriety, decency, or even acceptabilty
For there are some things which do not follow rules limiting
Behavior when two are mutually consenting adults who share
Everything they are with each other and thus do as they care

Throwing all caution and susceptibility to limits to the wind
For where there is love there is no reasoning, or even any sin
As lovers don't always take into account any appropriateness
For their cohesion creates binds which are forever blessed.

- Tristram