The Curves of Life, Part 1
Christopher W. Thomas (
Tues, May 27, 1997 at 1:5PM

Sometimes things can be planned out so well in advance

That when it comes time for them, they do go askance
As all of the idealistic fervor you acquired over months
Disappears amidst the stumbles and falls as you're punched

From side-to-side, and the bag which you then feel you are
Becomes filled with lead and fixes you in place to be marred
By the let-down which others do as they evolve their parts
In the scenario they did co-write when deep from their hearts

They saw visions which were oh, so very, very clear to them
And you played along, knowing it was all so very under hem
For the reality is - nothing which is fantasized ever stems
As the ONLY real pleasure in life comes from things which
are NOT pre-penned ...

- Tristram