Dear Ronald
Rrr505 (
Thurs, May 22, 1997 at 10:34AM

Dear Ronald,

First I'd like to say I like most of the poems here too,
and it is nice to finally meet you.
Am sorry the poems are depressing you.
In your note you suggested some headlines......
talk about depressing!!!hahaha
Second I would like to say thank you very much for offering
this space "The Wall". It is an excellent place to exhibit
your freedom of speech and this place should be admired....
although there doesn't seem to be much freedom of speech
being exhibited....course except the poetry, some of which
are lyrics to songs.
And finally, I would like to share some more lyrics.

Red Night in Black China

See the young ones falling underneath the gun
A horrible price to pay bless them every one
it's a bloody path to democracy so its been so far
see it in our history peace between the wars

Little any one can do put candles in the window
for your swift rescue from the hands of harm surrounding
forces of right are on your side your guilty are forgiven
certan you'll win in time and weep for all you've given

Answering freedoms call driven by believing
watching the angels fall cut down by the evil
giving it for the cause so that life may be worth living
for each and every one they leave behind

Tiananmen Square reflects the dawn as the gunfire echos
others watch as the thousands fall brotherhood in slaughter
few were spared who wept and wallked the grave path of destruction
suffering losses will live their marks on the stronger and the wiser

Battles within will be battles lost soon the empire crumbles
old worlds will slowly pass their pieces are to linger
new worlds rising up from the dust then we can start living
hoping never to hear the call for you know the answer

By the way, I have linked you to my web page at
I don't have a wall there, but I do have an e-mail address.
Thanks again one can beat your jokes man!!