It's ALL in the Mind
Christopher W. Thomas (
Fri, April 25, 1997 at 8:44AM

We who do travel over phone lines to other worlds

Do sometimes find we have found quite little pearls
Of wisdom, and sometimes there's founts of knowledge
But really - it's just simple reading to eat like porridge

Some can be smart and funny and clever, but quite a bit
Is ridiculous, for it reflects minds which do not tick
With rhythm or melody, or any kind of calm harmony
For those who write it are dealing with a monotony

Which appears in their written work, and also in Chat
For they are stuck in the mud, which shows all that
They are limited in their ability to communicate
For they take cheap shots as they pontificate

The meaning of love, and the meaning of life
And think they have got a true grasp, as fife
Is played in mellow tones which have no lilt
For their music is corrupt with a warped stilt

When you start dealing with matters of the mind
Know everything which happens, happens in a kind
Of balance which allows all things to have an end
So please do involve yourself in reading to blend

Your own ability to comprehend all you find here
With emotions which may make you smile, or bring tears
For everything from this pen starts in a clever mind
Which is steeped in deep feelings of love for mankind.

- Tristram