Subject: A Bubbling Brook
From: Christopher W. Thomas (
Date: Sun Nov 30, 1997 at 1:16PM

Vibes which passed from being a calypso beat 

into waves mixed with pebbles
passing gently along the bottom of the brook
then ebbed into quietened ripples,
and thus the tympany became obscured
by the almost-silent whir of the fan
which cools the power supply
in the huge floor tower case
which keeps our connection alive,
only to resurface when it's least expected,
causing the whir inside of my body
to pick up its pulse,
and those very same ripples to become
onrushing waves of delight -
once again.

The sunshine of your love and caring
exudes warmth from blue skies
littered with the pearls of clouds
overlaid on an indigo blanket
from which intermittently pours forth
twinklings of brightness
when darkness takes over,
and the glistening points of light
sharpen the rhythm and turn the murmur
back to being a staccato beat
which pounds so within,
the body it drives - goes back into a higher gear,
and the clutch swings back to the top of its ride swiftly
as it lurches forward
onto a higher plateau.

The earth below seeps between toes which wiggle
with the delight of your caring,
and even though the body is grounded,
the lightness with which it is now injected,
makes it float above,
and those shards of shattered light -
now seem reachable.

My arms stretch out to touch the sparks borne by this love,
and the veins within are engorged with blood
now rushing well beyond their normal flow,
and the pumping becomes
a renewed fresh urgency,
as the life they bring to tired bones and muscles
are now invigorated by its warmth,
and light radiates forth -
back to the mystery spring whose viscous flow
accepts willingly
this new immersion of strength.

Take this powerful force,
and use it to infuse your own body,
adding to your very own rhythm -
making the strength within you multiply ten-fold,
and thus this new foundation
shall cause you to become at once
with feelings of ecstasy renewed.

I look for the day
when the vibes we have initiated,
become entwined,
as our hearts, minds, bodies and souls -
become one.

Christopher W. Thomas
1pm Sun 11/30/97