Subject: The Distortion Point
From: Christopher W. Thomas (
Date: Mon Sept 14, 1998 at 9:32AM

The Distortion Point

Recent recordings with older equipment have reawakened awareness
Of the frail nature of sound which has no limiters on its spareness
As tapes, amplifiers and speakers all unite in true agreement ...
Indicating changes must be made in order to give some easement

The first is cheap enough to replace or redo with more care and devotion
But the other things require too much havoc and damage to daily potions
So, the edginess and rasp which has become part of the scene, of late
Just will have to continue, without anything at all to ease it, or abate

Until such time as all of my hard work finds a real home on printed page
And then, perhaps, the needed changes will happen, setting a new stage
If I'm lucky, maybe it will happen along before the coming millenium
And then the fruits of my labors will fill those empty bowls -
and there's plenty of 'em ...

- Tristram

(c) Christopher W. Thomas
5:32am Saturday, September 12th, 1998

[posted out of sequence due to server access and caching utility problems]