Subject: A Barrel of Nuts
From: Christopher W. Thomas (
Date: Tues Sept 1, 1998 at 1:14PM

Bought some nice new chairs the other day

The kind you have to put together to stay ...
But - just discovered they're missing barrel nuts
Without which, the chairs are utterly useless - tut!

Instead, the company chose to pack a bunch of lock washers
Apparently, thinking this would somehow make up for the loss
But, all it does is unnecessarily complicate things all the more
For, without the right hardware, assembly is more than a chore

It is absolutely impossible, without changing the basic structure
And doing this would defeat the simple assembly method, for sure
So, a hefty decision now rests within the mind, along with the "buts"...
Make the change, take the thing back, or just calmly - request the nuts!

- Tristram

(c) Christopher W. Thomas
12:55pm Tuesday, Sept. 1, 1998