Subject: Through These Portals
From: Christopher W. Thomas (
Date: Thurs Aug 27, 1998 at 9:19AM

A new catch-phrase has come into place

Which signifies the lead-in to web space
A design appropriate for some kinds of sites
Ones which deal mostly with text that's polite

You choose alternate subjects from both of the margins
Pressing on them jumps to the other stories to begin ...
A neat idea which has now become quite commonplace
As many sites copy the idea in order to access more space

I suspect, in the future - it will gain even more ground
As more see the simplicity of it - word will get around
My only objection is in the way it seems to conflict ...
With chosen backgrounds - with which it won't fit ...

- Tristram

(c) Christopher W. Thomas
9am Thursday, August 27th, 1998