Subject: Sucking It Off
From: Christopher W. Thomas (
Date: Thurs Aug 27, 1998 at 9:00AM

Today - a story about sucking off fat

One way to do it, I guess, but that's
Not really the right way to lose weight
For it distorts the body, and that's not great

Better to exercise more and watch the diet
Plus - count your calories - it works - try it!
And get out more and well away from the desk
Which tends to promote a lifestyle not the best

And eliminate all of those high-calorie foods
Bread, cake, cookies, chips - just not so good
For they all have extra fat the body doesn't need
Stick with fresh vegetables and fruits from trees

And if you follow this regimen closely from day to day
Then the only "sucking it off" you'll do, won't need pay!

- Tristram

(c) Christopher W. Thomas
8:42am Thurs. Aug. 27th, 1998