Subject: Abuse Comes in Many Forms
From: Christopher W. Thomas (
Date: Thurs Aug 20, 1998 at 9:47AM

Abuse comes in many forms

Some just fall out of the norm
(We all have norms in our lives
Beyond which we shall not dive)

When we see things which irk
We know they've passed that perk
The place we all have in our minds
That fences around the things fine

And points beyond that are dark indeed
For they've tipped past our own self-need
Asking us to accept the vulgarity or abuse
As we're considered to be in a place loose

If we then do, thus lowering our fences
In the process, we become defenseless
And thus - open ourselves up to more
Which, in time, will come thru our pores

Where acceptance is commonplace
And thus - we then fall out of grace ...
Cheapening our very own self-worth
Lowering our dignity into the dirt ...

- Tristram

(c) Christopher W. Thomas
9:30am Thurs. Aug. 20th, 1998