Subject: Sizing Up
From: Christopher W. Thomas (
Date: Thurs Nov 20, 1997 at 11:29PM

Sizing Up 

Believing you have me bagged
Is really quite full of many snags
You cannot know how it is I feel
You've not been where I was peeled

So many have played with my emotions
I'm not used to your openness lotion
Perhaps I'll never be sure of my heart
As so many have toyed with it from start

If you think you know me the way you say
All I can tell you is you haven't been my way
You will never know what pain I've suffered
Had you - you would understand my stutter

There is so much more I've not told you
You cannot possibly know this hot stew
Which has simmered for a half-century
Some of it spent hanging from a tree

Which I grew into sitting on a tiny acorn
Planted into hard ground marked by scorn
Fertilized with dirt thrown over to blanket
And now my tears need a fresh new hanky

Don't write this man off so very quickly
Who made a mistake, and now is tickly
Time will allay the acute pain of this chatter
Hopefully before it makes me a mad hatter

Christopher W. Thomas
9pm Thurs. Nov. 20th, 1997