Subject: Screwdriver
From: Christopher W. Thomas (
Date: Wed Nov 19, 1997 at 5:07PM

As I sit down once more at the big system

I am blinded by a fireball in the sky some
Preventing me from seeing print onscreen
My mind tightens and I feel I want to scream

So much runs around in my head and spills
- Out over the brim as my parts ache to fill
The holes in your mind, body, head and ears
My love for you is pouring out under my fears

And I try to stem the tide with words in lines
Which do fill the void in my life over the time
We're apart due to your many various excuses
Some I accept - others do pull tightly as screws

Which lose heads or threads as they break in holes
And the frustration this causes makes me grow old
As I hold onto the screwdriver with both of my hands
Trying hard to push into hole with sweat from my glands

A so much easier task it is to accomplish quite smoothly
When you are the object of my effort as you arouse me
And threads and heads hold together with screw nicely
As lubricants you use to draw me into the hole rightly

And once this happens - my screw goes in easily to hilt
As I give my driver one last twist to tighten without tilt
And then the warmth of the hole flares up my limbs
As the driver I use hardens once more, then goes limp

And I drop it to the floor under me and unclasp my box
Throwing my tool back in - so I can find it for next toss
Of the work which requires the efforts of a good driver
Which'll be in a very short time whenever you're nearer

Christopher W. Thomas
4:10pm November 19th, 1997