Subject: The Price is Too Dear
From: Christopher W. Thomas (
Date: Tues Nov 18, 1997 at 6:11PM

Just ran into my neighbor, Fred

Hadn't seen him in a while, said
How've ya been, whatcha bin upta?
Said he was up north on an adventure

Out on safari, hunting for elk and deer
Quite a trip, said I ... was there any near?
Got himself a caribou last time I remember
I think it was summer tho, now it's November

Shot himself two deer he said, with his rifle
Congratulations! ... I said, trying hard to stifle
My tears, for death of any warm animal stings
The more I think about it, the more my ears ring

So where are they? ... I then chokingly enquired
Took 'em to the butcher's, so they can be quartered
Does he pay you for the venison, I innocently asked
And he laughed, obviously, I'd shown myself unmasked

Got to pay HIM, he said - for cutting up the big critters
Muscles tightened in my stomach as he dissolved into titters
Thought mebbe they'd do it in exchange for some of the meat
And the man laughed even louder at me, falling on his seat

As he picked himself up, I walked away as we said goodbyes
And the dog pulled me harder, as tears came right to my eyes
Not just one caribou now, but two animals he'd shot without fear
On top of that, he'd have to pay a butcher, a price that's - too dear

Christopher W. Thomas
6pm Tuesday, November 18th, 1997