Subject: Out of Sight, Out of Mind
From: Christopher W. Thomas (
Date: Thurs July 2, 1998 at 5:37PM

When someone remarks they've missed seeing you

When they never really have - it makes you blue ...
Because the only real friends are ones who show
Their presence to you, in other ways than a hello

In a phone call, electronic mail, or greeting card
... All may be wonderful, but it makes quite hard
To assess value to what you have, under the stars
So, if you have someone who means a lot, at large

Then ... get together with them, and make real friends
Show them how much you care ... and how you blend
Take your heartfelt feelings that much closer to reality
And become at one with them, making two ... three!!!

You, them .... us!!!!

- Tristram

(c) Christopher W. Thomas
5:30pm Thurs, July 2nd, 1998