Subject: Men in Orange
From: Christopher W. Thomas (
Date: Mon June 22, 1998 at 11:13AM

You men in orange with the hard hats

Directing traffic this way and that ...
Luminescent colors of green, yellow, pink and blue
Aren't anywhere near as vivid as the orange on you

It stands out and shows we must avoid the pitfalls
From which you direct us away, moving us all
Whatever it is you do to cause your delay
We know it's just a mandatory thing on this day

Whether it's road paving needed, or tree trimming
Telephone repairs, or some cable interims ...
You have decided they must be done
And so you delay the traffic some ...

Slowing us down with your orange signs
Making us drivers have to realign ...
Rearranging our very own priorities
For you men in orange have greater ones than me

- Tristram

(c) Christopher W. Thomas
10:45am Monday, June 22nd, 1998