Subject: Causeway
From: Christopher W. Thomas (
Date: Tues April 21, 1998 at 8:25AM

Bridges over water, marsh or swamps

Some of them troubled, some trumps
Many roads to travel here and there
So many pathways in life, full of care

Finding those bridges we need to cross
Is a chore, but they're mapped, not lost
All we need do is to look deep within
For the right path is right there, in a bin

One we all have deep down inside of us
One we can ride on to whatever we must
To find our own direction to these goals
Making our own bridges in a process sold

From soul to mind through hearts open
And from that truth comes our hoping
Others will accept us for what we are
And not things we pretend to be, to star

- Tristram

(c) Christopher W. Thomas
8:18am Tuesday, April 21st, 1998