Subject: A Lonely Sweetness
From: Christopher W. Thomas (
Date: Tues April 14, 1998 at 9:39AM

So many are lonely, so many alone ...

Living life really single in one's home
Sometimes the realization pulls at heart
At other times, one's thankful for the parts

For we all have elements of our character
We know work against sharing everafter
Yet we pine for another to be there for us
A shoulder to cry on - and without any fuss

That sweetness of shared emotions tickles
For we truly believe it to be and aren't fickle
And yet - we also know deep down within ...
Limitations of our life-structure limit this win

And so we go on sharing in ways obscure
Melding limited emotions, mixed with fear
For insecurities prevent us from crossing ...
Lines of sweetness shown, without stopping

- Tristram

(c) Christopher W. Thomas
9:35am Tuesday April 14th, 1998