Subject: The Fool's Paradise
From: Christopher W. Thomas (
Date: Wed April 1, 1998 at 8:51AM

Realization's come - it's a special day

The one which many regard as pay
-Back to all who've crossed their path
And rubbed them the wrong way in past

So they will play their games and do tricks
Trying hard to win ... over folks, as they tick
Pulling fast ones on left, right, and center
Silly little games, as they go on and enter

Stuff to make them feel good about THEM
With total disregard to those who they send
These crazy little things they will make to use
Upon others they suspect have given them abuse

But the real fool on this - their very special day
Is them - for they have instigated their way
And so - they will feel bad sometime in future
For the guilt and their shame - will then mature

- Tristram

(c) Christopher W. Thomas
8:50am Wed. April Fool's Day, 1998