Subject: Sunset Haven
From: Christopher W. Thomas (
Date: Sat March 28, 1998 at 6:41PM

Huge fiery red ball in the sky

Your full visage tells no lies
Just a bright glowing light
Eerie to behold, quite a sight

But a natural and genuine wonder
Nothing like mindgames of thunder
A reality-based visage shown high
And always there, a treat for eyes

Sometimes soured by exchanges
Based on lesser realities of stages
Walked upon to create live theatre
Plays in mind which sear and tear

Then, it's over, and applause ends
Exits are approached as one sends
Messages to those who shared view
Of enjoyment, or disenchantment too

As one then embarks on a new journey
As sun sets in mind and on roads turning
Away from the glorious natural creation
So at odds with shared fantasy, as elation

Creeps into the life forces running through
Our bodies, minds, hearts and spirits renewed
As the fullness we feel from new experience
Then wakes up souls - now brightly cleansed

- Tristram

(c) Christopher W. Thomas
6:40pm Saturday March 28th, 1998