Subject: Icy Cold Air
From: Christopher W. Thomas (
Date: Thurs March 26, 1998 at 7:32AM

This morning, the cold air went through my bones

At the moment I stepped out the door of my home
And the coldness I felt brought tears to my eyes
As I tried to fight back against it, what a surprise!

And after the forecasters had indicated summer temps
Were coming down the pike to join us at the weekend
My head had been conditioned to the coming warm
But my body had its own indicators of season's norms

And as I sit here sneezing again and again and again
My body still shivers from the cold blast as the pain
Of tightened bones and muscles turn my fingers rigid
As silently I curse them for not indicating it was frigid

- Tristram

(c) Christopher W. Thomas
7:35am Thurs. March 26th, 1998