Subject: Wavelengths
From: Christopher W. Thomas (
Date: Sun March 22, 1998 at 10:43AM

When vibrations hum and exchanges are on keel

Feelings within you grow as you then begin to peel
Aside the complex layers you've built around you
As the humming increases and joints get unglued

For everything you are, and everything you've been
Then slides out to top surfaces as heart comes clean
For the beauty within blooms with petals opening
As the richness you are unfolds amidst new hoping

For one has seen all of the cornucopia filled to brim
And chooses to both imbue, and imbibe, right to rim
Creating power within - reaching right down to loins
Stirring up other senses, as you then become a coin

They toss into the air and then stand well back as it falls
Not wanting to interfere with anything untoward at all
For their cravings are in tune with others than just you
And so where you are in relation to them is under shoe

Which they stick out to prevent the coin from rolling away
In a sense controlling the toss, so they can have their way
As you peer over trying desperately to see which side's down
Knowing well they saw it before they stamped on the crown

And then the peering becomes a gradual stare up legs to eyes
As the all-knowing look in their eyes shows it's not a surprise
For the toss was just a way to let you know it didn't really matter
As their position wavers not in any way at all which is tattered

For, even though they're bowled over by everything you are
Something else given them by another twinkles their stars
And so you are just another part of their overall scheme
A thread of a bright rainbow which isn't ever - really seen ...

- Tristram

Christopher W. Thomas
10:45am Sunday, March 22nd, 1998