Subject: Seasons Come and Go
From: Christopher W. Thomas (
Date: Sat March 21, 1998 at 6:41PM

Yesterday - the first day of spring, brought sunshine

And with it - new feelings, to make you feel so fine
And now, today, snow, sleet and cold again visit
To remind us winter was late this year and so it's

Not really spring, even though the calendar states
The turn of season has begun and thus - new fates
Await - as man's thoughts once again turn to love
As always happens after season ends, and you shove

Aside - those affairs of heart which fizzled as snow
Blew against windows, putting on such a good show
And hearts warmed by fires raging in stone hearths
Now are only fond remembrances - of other paths

Followed, when emotions were stirred to a simmer
And now revisitations of mind spark many glimmers
As you sort out feelings past and those you have now
And make some sense out of them all, as vibes below

Hum within the deeper recesses of your inner being
And love you felt once - you no longer - are seeing
For new exchanges of feeling have now supplanted
Those simmerings with onrushes of warmth chanted

In songs and verses which deal with seasonal change
... Really just a mask to hide all the hurt and pain ...
For LOVE raged within a mind, heart, body and soul
Then - winter's change renewed all that'd become old

- Tristram

Christopher W. Thomas
6:45pm Sat. March 21st, 1998