Subject: On the Wearing o' the Green
From: Christopher W. Thomas (
Date: Tues March 17, 1998 at 7:57AM

It's that day again - when the Yanks and the Irish

Together celebrate a big day, with spit and polish
Honoring the Saint of Ireland - who did so much
To bring about Christianity in his land of touch

During pre-medieval days of the early four hundreds
When old country folks were just getting their feet wet
Beginning to relearn the culture passed down from Rome
The place Pope Leo I (a unionist) had called his home

Waging battles againt religious separatists who tried to mar
The universal teachings of Roman Catholicism's shining star
Fast spread by Patrick and Leo I and so many other devotees
Causing the world as it existed then to drop fast to its knees

And so we honor now on this day the patron saint of Ireland
Who had done so much to help folks learn how to give a hand
And become brothers and sisters in spirit of love and peace
Something we all need, no matter who or what we believe ...

- Tristram

Christopher W. Thomas
7:45am St. Patrick's Day, 1998