Subject: Pseudomorphs
From: Christopher W. Thomas (
Date: Sat March 14, 1998 at 7:56AM

Deception seems to be the thing

When reality of blindness sinks in
And so many souls make pretenses
Becoming other beings, other tenses

For the reality of appearance does lack
So folks can be anything and then attack
Completely anonymously and oblivious
Of their own realities lived so serious

Sorting out real intellect from self-creation
Is a task involving many twists and striations
As these marks mutiply during new exchanges
Patience and fortitude tend to lessen strangeness

As reality then sinks in - a self-perception string
Was based on partial exchanges without ring
And so it is then time to re-evaluate and re-assess
Without being sucked in, with part of mind stressed

- Tristram

Christopher W. Thomas
7:45am Sat. March 14th, 1998