Subject: Mushy, not Soft
From: Christopher W. Thomas (
Date: Mon Feb 23, 1998 at 10:20AM

A wonderful delicacy are mushies

Which must be picked very carefully
For so many of them are not cushy
As they've been treated quite badly

Some are sold long past their prime
And take on odd flavors not at all fine
Others are salty and have bad flavor
Because of shrink-wraps over and over

Look for them to be as firm as can be
And choose ones unwrapped and free
Laying around in open baskets and trays
These you will find are not at all frayed

And will hold up well in salads or sauteed
Providing good taste without the sharp edge
Which many of the packed ones do display
For they've been put out there just to test

Stay well away from these plastic-coated ones
And your food will shine and provide a nice hum
Look for stores which market mushrooms loose
And then you will enjoy the fare you then choose

- Tristram

Christopher W. Thomas
10:15am Mon. Feb. 23rd, 1998