Subject: The Pause in the Walk
From: Christopher W. Thomas (
Date: Mon Nov 3, 1997 at 9:06AM

The Pause in the Walk

It was only a third of the way up the hill
All of a sudden, heart raced, body stilled
As chest heaved, and arms dropped to side
Life felt like it was over, senses did collide

Back seized, hips held, shoulders spiralled
Breath stopped, nose numbed, eyes levelled
Past images flashed in moments, then faded
Tried to grasp them, then became quite jaded

Knees froze, calves iced, toes stopped wiggling
The life which had warmed them all was seguing
Something suddenly moved, rolled down a cheek
The moment passed - things were not quite so bleak

Tongue rolled forward, tip stuck out to catch the tear
Things started to work again, washing away the fear
The Mask of Death had tried out its hand upon a face
Then, finding no peace - had floated away ...
to another place

Christopher W. Thomas
9am Monday 11/3/97