Subject: The Birds are Back
From: Christopher W. Thomas (
Date: Thurs Feb 5, 1998 at 7:31PM

The Birds are Back

The quietness which has befallen us over last month
Has now been broken by birds returning to the stumps
Of broken trees, blown over by many harsh winds past
And now the black birds are having a field day at long last

Digging into the trunks, scavenging for food in the trees
Cawing like crazy - for they've found some and are pleased
And so they flitter around, and glide from branch to branch
Sucking up worms and ants and other things for their lunch

It must be wonderful to lead a bird's quite solitary existence
All they do is fly around and look for food with insistence
And then they zoom right back to their little grassy nests
In order to feed their families with the regurgitated mess ...

If only it were all that easy for all of us of the human race
I'm sure we all would find we had much more time and space
Instead of rushing around wildly doing this thing or the other
Just in order to earn money to buy food and clothes to cover

Which so many of us have to do in order to make ends meet
Whilst we watch the birds with disinterest as they don't speak
And consider ourselves so very lucky we can communicate
Which makes us so very different from birds in how we relate

And this sets us apart from virtually all of the animal species
But the price we must pay for it is to earn livings to be at peace
Whilst those huge great black birds just go on flying around
Doing their thing and making those wonderful cawing sounds

- Tristram

Christopher W. Thomas
9:06am Tues. Feb. 3rd, 98

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