Subject: The Ball Dropped
From: Christopher W. Thomas (
Date: Mon Oct 20, 1997 at 6:05PM

This morning in the park, I threw the ball uphill

But it was so fast, my dog missed it and stayed still
I watched it hang halfway up the roadway, then roll
Suddenly picking up speed, heading straight for hole

- The stormdrain which loomed quite large and ominously
And then I picked up my legs and ran as fast as I could flee
Then got there quite quickly just as it rolled onto the grate
And bent down to pick it up casually as though I wasn't late

But then the ball - which had paused momentarily on edge
Suddenly chose to drop out of sight right from the ledge
And I peered down at it gingerly as it bobbed up and down
Then I looked around at the dog as I donned a big frown

Was it her, or me, who was so much at fault for the error
Did she deliberately miss the throw just to strike terror
Or did I throw it close to the drain just to court disaster
Just so I could then win the battle as befits her master

Or was I deliberately opening up a new chapter in my life
Looking for a place to lose the old, so I could begin new sight
Other things have taken place recently in my life's journey
New insight into my position which has caused new learning

About the way in which I relate to the rest of the world at large
And wakened me up to a new "aliveness" which has hit me hard
So much so, I am dropping the old ball and opening up new roads
Which will lead me to places which heretofore I've only showed

In a never-ending fantasy life vision - where I wanted so to be
And now I'm beginning to see the reality really starts with me
For no matter what has gone on previously in the life that was
When I dropped the ball in the past ... it was only a loose toss

Now when I throw that ball - it will always end up in the flat
For the new turn my life is taking will inevitably see to that
And so I won't worry about dropping the ball ever again
For new light is shining over me to help me see no stain

Christopher W. Thomas
6pm Mon. Oct. 20th, 1997