Subject: Scratch Me There
From: Christopher W. Thomas (
Date: Thurs Jan 22, 1998 at 6:50AM

This morning, woke up to a severe licking

What was it which got the dog so ticking?
Well, I splurged yesterday on a new collar
You know the type - to make the fleas holler

A good one, from a pet store near Stop n Shop
The price exorbitant, but scratching's stopped
Threw away the last one, bought at the grocery
Seems that type never DOES work satisfactorily

And so, this morning, dog wanted me to scratch
Behind ears, on head, under her belly, too, natch
She's just so contented now, it's all worth the price
I'm glad I did it - as the other one, just wasn't nice ...

- Tristram

Christopher W. Thomas
6:50am Thurs. 1/22/98