Subject: Abundant Energy
From: Christopher W. Thomas (
Date: Tues Jan 13, 1998 at 9:06AM

There are works even yet to be written

Ones which course thru veins smitten
And some of these bubble up through
The pain and anguish of a life viewed

By many to have been lived in solid mire
But years have taken their toll and expired
And now there is a new life here unfolding
Which reflects on current times and told in

Verses which clearly state unequivocably
A life full of warmth and so much purity
And which is lived now in absolute peace
From morning to night without any lease

And this contributes to the abundant energy
Shown in the writing, without any lethargy
So enjoy the words as is and then do reflect
For most of what you read is without any vex

- Tristram

Christopher W. Thomas
9:09am Tuesday 1/13/98