Subject: On Getting the Message Out
From: Christopher W. Thomas (
Date: Thurs Jan 8, 1998 at 10:09PM

There are so very many messages we need to get out

Some serious, but others are just fun things to shout
Some deal with odd things in a most humorous way
Others get right to the point in direct relation to the day

I'm not sure whether all of my writing does work at all
I'd like to think there are some good thoughts to pull
The viewer into reading yet more, always intrigued
But I canot really be sure which ones do most please

Feedback does come to me from very many directions
Some see the underlying humor in a lot of confections
Others feel uplifted by some of the themed work ...
Which they do enjoy for the way it makes them perk

Notably Awareness, Timeliness, Self-Expression, Nature
Others cannot get enough of Passion, they see mature
Although this theme does run through a lot of these sets
There are some who haven't seen it in other themes yet

Prompting me to consider consolidating all of that stuff
Into one theme which is repeated throughout all the fluff
Then those who wish to read only this particular kind of thing
May have their fill of it and will know to make their chimes ring

There are certain other messages which do need to be gotten out
Some of which are far more important than dealing with Love's tout
The ones to do with equality, spirituality, goodness, and brotherhood
But if these were theme-titled as such, I'm not sure that would be good

For those very kinds of messages have so much more import
When they come at you unexpectedly without any kind of warn
So I shall continue to write my various messages of all kinds
And will try to do it in a way in which I do not feel undermined ...

- Tristram

Christopher W. Thomas
10:10pm Jan. 8th, 1998