Subject: Connected to a Bough
From: Christopher W. Thomas (
Date: Fri Jan 2, 1998 at 3:25PM

Occasionally, as a log drifts downstream

A twigged branch will hook up on its beam
And then the two will float in water together
Becoming one unit and held tight in a tether

And perhaps they will then float for some miles
Tossing and turning in the water together as piles
Of debris and other stuff collects on them in rings
And then the weight of the layers of excess things

Will become too much for the fragile twigs to take
And they'll break off and the branch will lose its stake
Sailing off downstream well apart and ahead of the log
Eventually tumbling over the waterfall and into a bog

And the log will have been set free to collide into shore
Where it'll then rest in the mud at water's edge evermore
And the debris left on its boughs by the twigged branch
Will grow slowly and then - new life - will take a chance ...

Christopher W. Thomas
3:25pm Friday 1/2/98