Subject: The Fickle Finger of Guilt
From: Christopher W. Thomas (
Date: Tues June 8, 1999 at 11:40PM

The Fickle Finger of Guilt

As the nation mourned the death of a fallen Senator
A man was arrested in England as he entered there
Known under a variety of names and assumed aliases
James Earl Ray had finally been tracked down to assess ...

The man's guilt of the charge of murdering Dr. Martin Luther King
The man who led the civil rights movement and caused stirrings
And became a martyr to the cause when James Earl Ray's shots were fired
A detestable act, and one of which Ray has now been a prime denier

In spite of the fact he spent two months on the lam
Spending quite a bit of money without giving a damn
And when caught, he never explained the source
(A simple statement could have changed the course)

And, to top it off, he had been arrested with multiple passports
And neither one were in his true and accurate name when caught
Plus his trail from Memphis to Toronto to Lisbon to Brussels
Was littered with other false names used to register himself

Which, all summed up, seems fairly indicative of a certain prime guilt
Regardless of whether it had anything to do with a murder of this ilk
But, whatever this proves against any man at all ...
It surely does make Ray seem to've been a bit of a fool ...

- Tristram

© Christopher W. Thomas
10:30pm Tuesday, June 8th. 1999