Subject: A Brighter Light
From: Christopher W. Thomas (
Date: Sat May 29, 1999 at 11:04PM

A Brighter Light

On this day in nineteen seventeen
One of the Brightest Lights'd be seen
The child born would grow up to be
The thirty-fifth president, and yet, he

Would be assassinated before he could
Make enough inroads to do any good ...
Although his three years at the helm
Dealt with some major dramas to come

Including the thwarted Cuban invasion
An exercise dark in the history of the nation
Which precipitated the Cuban Missile Crisis
A stand-off which well might've ignited

Plans to end the life which began today
In nineteen seventeen, at Brookline Bay
An area to the north of central Boston
Where John Fitzgerald Kennedy was born

- Tristram

© Christopher W. Thomas
10:19pm Sat. May 29th, 1999