Subject: The Winds of Mutiny
From: Christopher W. Thomas (
Date: Thurs May 27, 1999 at 11:18PM

The Winds of Mutiny

In nineteen fifty-one ... here, at home
Herman Wouk first became widely known
For he published The Caine Mutiny
Which then was a play and a movie

Winning for Wouk the Pulitzer Prize
But Academy Awards were denied ...
Although the film got seven nominations
Which is, in itself - a noted celebration

But Humphrey Bogart would not win
Nor would the screenplay or editing
Nor the music score, sound or picture
Nor Tom Tully as the supporting actor

But the play would be made into a tv film
With Brad Davis, Mike Murphy, Eric Bogosian
In the Robert Altman adaptation, later
Winning critical praise for its creators

As many of Wouk's other works have done
Including The Winds of War, and a sequel to come
War and Rembrances would follow seven years after
Both books (and film-plays) dealt with the same disaster

The events leading up to the Second World War
With a fictional thread of the Henry family's store ...
Of remembrances ... through those terrible days
When Europe and The Far East were gripped in a daze

For the world was at war with itself
The worst one it's ever known (hell!)
And Wouk depicted it thru their eyes
In a soap-operatic treatment disguised

A far cry from his second major novel
Marjorie Morningstar was another level
Written in fifty-five, filmed in fifty-eight
With Gene Kelly as Natalie Wood's rake

Sidetracked from her middle-class swell
Into sounds of the show business knell
With Claire Trevor and Everett Sloane
As the parents who implore her not to leave home

And Martin Milner in a pre-Route 66 role
Before he and Maharis shared their soul
In a red and white Chevrolet Corvette ...
As an entire generation immersed in it

Also with Carolyn Jones and Ed Wynn
George Tobias, Jesse White, Martin Balsam
And smaller roles played by Ruta Lee
And the first rock and roll dj - Alan Reed

As well as Shelley Fabares in a small part
(One of her very earliest ones, perhaps her start)
Many of this cast would go on to regular tv roles
Perhaps ... Wouk created a niche with his story told

And then he would write Inside, Outside
After the two "War" novels were tried ...
About a Jewish Presidential Advisor ...
In which he attempted to show ties of ...

The man's faith into the work of diplomacy
And - in some ways - did indeed bring some normalcy
A difficult role, but one many have mastered
Although some have never quite trusted

Equating deeply-religious emotional standing
With politics, and the ploys, and the glad-handing
A balance which is next to impossible to maintain
For whatever one does ... someone'll be sure to complain

A vivid picture, which Wouk has painted now ...
In different areas, but all with intense vows ...
Which come from Wouk's own personal stands
Having survived persecution, and come out grand ...

- Tristram

© Christopher W. Thomas
10pm Thurs. May 27th, 1999

Herman Wouk's 84th Birthday